8 First Baptist Church Rd
Piedmont, SC 29673
(864) 845-7801

Community Ministry

One of the ways we express our love for the world is through community outreach.  Working with our mission partners in Piedmont, we share the gospel of Jesus in word and deed by serving our neighbors in need and reaching out to neighbors who are searching for a church home.

Missions Partners:

Sue Cleveland Elementary School – Our church partners with Sue Cleveland Elementary to share much-needed food items for two weekends per month to food-insecure children. There is a collection pantry next to the Howard Room where you can provide pop-tarts, breakfast bars, apple sauce, ravioli, mac-n-cheese or fruit cups. Volunteers may also serve to package the food or deliver them twice a month.

PERC (Piedmont Emergency Relief Center): Each Thursday at 4 pm, members of our church (youth and adults) are invited to join other volunteers at PERC to serve more than 100 of our food-insecure neighbors in a “drive-thru” style delivery to families who come for assistance.